Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Siliconized materials are used in various industries. Here are some examples of their application:

  • Construction and renovation. Self-adhesive materials are often used for heat, noise and waterproofing, including cars.
  • Production of labels. Self-adhesive labels with an anti-adhesive layer are used for labeling products in various industries.
  • Manufacture of plasters and hygiene items. Siliconized paper with anti-adhesive properties is used in the production of many medical supplies.
  • Polygraphy. Anti-adhesive materials are needed for the production of large-format self-adhesive rolls.
  • Sealing envelopes and packages. Paper and plastic envelopes, document bags are provided with adhesive valves with permanent stickiness glue, protecting them with siliconized paper or film.
  • Food packaging. Siliconized paper prevents contamination and repels moisture well.

All Stroipolimer products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Stroipolimer: sound insulation of premises, window tapes, construction tapes, packaging adhesive tape, car noise insulation, road paint, siliconized materials, sealants, primers, mastics
  • Sound insulation of premises Stroipolimer
    Sound insulation of premises
    Liplent Zi, Liplent Zik, etc.
  • Window tapes Stroipolimer
    Window tapes
    Liplent PSUL, Liplent-Sd, etc.
  • Construction tapes Stroipolimer
    Construction tapes
    Liplent-Mf. Liplent-O et al.
  • Packaging Adhesive Tape Stroipolimer
    Packaging Adhesive Tape
    BOPP et al.
  • Car noise insulation Stroipolimer
    Car noise insulation
    Antiscrip P, Antiscrip C, etc.
  • Road paint Stroipolimer
    Road paint
    AK-511, MA-15, etc.
  • Siliconized materials Stroipolimer
    Siliconized materials
    Film, paper, etc.
  • Sealants, primers, mastics Stroipolimer
    Sealants, primers, mastics
    Liplent O-150, etc.

About Stroipolimer

The plant Stroipolimer (Ryazan) has been successfully operating in the Russian construction market for many years, since 1998, providing production and supply of high-quality building materials.
  • quality

    The materials produced compete with their European counterparts in terms of quality.
  • control

    Each batch of materials is tested in its own certified laboratory.

    All manufactured products of the plant are Stroipolimer certified.

Information Board Stroipolimer

Learn more about our products Stroipolimer.
  • Price list for products of the plant Stroipolimer
    Price list for products
  • The questionnaire brands Stroipolimer
    The questionnaire


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